How WePlay drove next-generation engagement and captivated global sports fans with high-speed sailing for SailGP through the ‘We Are Racing’ campaign.

How WePlay drove next-generation engagement and captivated global sports fans with high-speed sailing for SailGP through the ‘We Are Racing’ campaign.
SailGP is the world’s most thrilling water sport, featuring high-speed foiling boats in iconic locations, and is one of the fastest-growing global sports properties. As SailGP sought to expand its fanbase for Season 4, the League aimed to capture the attention of a new generation of sports enthusiasts.
SailGP partnered with WePlay to launch a bold global brand campaign, ‘We Are Racing’, designed to drive top-of-funnel awareness among a new racing audience. This campaign kicked off with a 3D out-of-home (OOH) takeover at London’s Piccadilly Lights and Abu Dhabi’s Al Qana, supported by a comprehensive digital strategy across social platforms.
The ‘We Are Racing’ campaign achieved exceptional results, significantly increasing SailGP’s visibility and engaging millions of new fans globally. Through innovative OOH takeovers and a robust digital media campaign, SailGP’s brand awareness soared, especially in key markets like the UAE. The campaign surpassed all performance expectations, driving notable increases in audience reach, website traffic, and online searches.
growth in social media engagement year-over-year.
33 million
new racing fans reached across 12 markets, exceeding projections by 112%.
increase in broadcast growth season-over-season, boosting SailGP’s global broadcast footprint.
157 million
views on YouTube during Season 4, up from 37 million in Season 3—a 324% increase in audience viewership